Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years!

Happy New Years everyone! So much inspiration in these past couple days from Russian flight attendants to a Brooklyn toddlers
I've got creative food and a hungry paper!
This post will be brief for my friend Briana is here till January 6th, but I will still be working! I wasn't able to capture my outfit for the NYE countdown but I did capture what I wore during the day. I like to create pieces that are effortless, a complex outfit sometimes can be ubber messy! The concept that I preach is: Make fashion fun, not difficult; Get out of your comfort zone, but make it YOU. Let me expand, I simply wore a shirt with a plaid tie, skinnies and vanilla lace ups, FUN NOT DIFFICULT. Stepped out of my comfort zone with mismatched socks, SO ME. Some people make fashion far more difficult than it really should be. Picking out clothes is like painting an empty canvas, over think it, you'll have no art to sell. What so marvelous about creating your style, is without a smile or verbal expression displayed, a person can easily see your story. Your personality some how manifests because your canvas was unambiguous. In most cases it's been an ice breaker which has lead me to a lot of connections.

The point to all this is in the past I over thought, quite often, it lead me NOWHERE. Then, New York became a dream, I worked my ass off, sedulously, which lead me on a plane months later. Now, I'm here. Sometimes I think, man if I would have sat down to think of the cons I would have stayed. Now I'm facing each obstacle as they hit me, and I'm doing it passionately and fearless. A thing to remember don't make something hard that isn't easy to challenge.

What I am wearing: Zara Shirt & Jacket, Jcrew tie, Urban Outfitters socks, MNG jeans, Aldo shoes